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Tag Archive for 'insurance'

Funds Managed By Insurance Comapnies to Touch 30 Lakh Cr. Mark; 70% Growth From Current

J Hari Narayan, the Outgoing insurance regulator said that the size of funds managed by insurers in the country is expected to touch Rs. 30 Lakh crore mark in the coming five years with nearly 70% jump from the current level. He also said that the total controlled fund when the insurance industry was opened […]

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Budget 2013 – Special Tax Deducations For Rent, HRA, LTA & Life Insurance

Tax on Rent

To combat with the inflationary pressures, the finance minister is more likely to announce numerous tax amendments and concessions in the coming Union Budget for the financial year 2013-2014 to be announced before the Parliament on 28th February 2013. For people who stay in rented accommodations and do not have their own houses and employees […]

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Planning in the Absence of a Crystal Ball

For many, the idea of contemplating one’s mortality and health prospects is as appealing as writing a “living will”. Nevertheless, what would you really want to happen to your family, should you become permanently incapacitated or terminally ill? Trying to second-guess the key outcomes in life, the ‘What if?’ questions, we all know is a […]

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Rs 150 crore to be raised by Star Health this Fiscal

Star Health Allied Insurance Logo

Plans of Star Health and Allied Insurance when it comes to their solvency margin are being materialized in order to meet the companies need.  According to their Chairman and Managing Director V Jagannathan, the company will raise about RS 150 crore. This is to increase their solvency ratio from its current percentage which is 1.76 […]

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Be Aware of your Rights as an Insurance Buyer

Insurance Policy

Having an insurance plan is really a good way to prepare for your future. We do not know what lies ahead of us so it would really be best to be prepared in some way. When you become a member of any insurance company it would really be best that you know your rights. There […]

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20% Increase In Motor Insurance Premiums 1st April 2012 Onwards

Iffco Tokio Motor Insurance Logo

From now on, the common man will have to shell out 20% extra on Car / Motor Insurance Premiums from 1st April 2012. This hike in car insurance is expected to vary between 15% to 20%.One of the main reasons for this rise in insurance premiums is the decision of dividing the motor third party […]

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