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Tag Archive for 'tax'

3 More Ways To Save More Tax In Addition To Section 80C

Save more taxes in addition to 80c

It’s not that only Section 80C of the Income Tax Act provides for tax deductions; there are even other deductions under the Income Tax Act, 1961 which can help you save more tax. Tax deduction section 80D for mediclaim policies can help you save tax. Under this section, premium, for medical insurance policy to protect […]

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3 Unusual Taxes That We Indians Have Been Paying For Long

As Mr. P. Chidambaram, the Finance Minister, is all set to present the budget speech for2013, one can just hope that no more unusual taxes are introduced by him this year. There is a list of many unusual taxes (distinct from tax on plain vanilla income) which were introduced in the past. One such tax […]

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Tax Cut On Imported Cars In Maharashtra

It’s good news for the car industry since the Maharashtra government had decided to cut the vehicle tax both on company owned vehicles and imported vehicles. The tax will now be 20% of the cost of the vehicle. This would mean that the price of cars will now be cheaper compared to what it was […]

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