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Tag Archive for 'forex'

How Does The Depreciating & Appreciating Rupee Affect / Impact Indian Exports?

Export Goods From India

There is an entire branch of study in various colleges that deal with foreign imports and exports and how they are connected to the strength of the Indian rupee. However, in this article we will not go into depth but I will try to give you a very simple explanation about the relation between rupee […]

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How Does The Depreciating & Appreciating Rupee Affect / Impact Imports & Fuel Prices?

Import goods to India

In our last article we told you how the Depreciating and the Appreciating rupee affects Exports. The analysis is similar for Imports to but as you might have guessed already its just the opposite. We will do this analysis of imports using a company that deals in crude oil. Thus you will be able to […]

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iGate Q2 net profit jump to about 217.5%

iGate Logo

iGate still has a reason to celebrate amidst the crisis the technology companies are experiencing in India. A lot of us have read about the losses of Infosys. Currently, iGate had managed to met their revenue expectations of $ 268 million in the second quarter of this current year that ended last June. The company […]

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